Friday, July 29, 2022

An Obviously Creative Tailor


By Derrick Silimina

At 38, Obvious Makozo is a versatile entrepreneur running tailoring, hair salon and barbershop, typing and printing businesses in Kapepa area of Solwezi District.

Some of the products from his tailoring shop include dresses, shirts, leather handbags, school uniforms, jerseys and many more. 

“Our products are sold to schools and the general public. Some clothes are exchanged for maize and beans around April, and around December, we sell them at a 75 percent profit. My immediate plans are to register the business, and open a tailoring school that shall produce various items,” Makozo said. 

In 2019, armed with six blowers, five hair clippers and seven dryers, Makozo and his wife opened the barbershop. At the time, he had no sewing machine. 

“Some of the benefits from the training include a change of mindset as I was able to identify business opportunities and started purchasing tailoring machines towards the end of 2019 and 2020. The first machine I bought was a manual sewing machine out of proceeds from the barbershop and salon,” he said. 

He bought the hair clipper at K2,500 and nine months later, his business was able to purchase a pattern-making electric sewing machine at K4000. This was followed by an overlocking machine which he bought at K3, 800 five months later. 

“Today, I am a proud owner of nine machines altogether valued at approximately K25,000. With my printer and laptop the total value of assets is K35,000,” Makozo said. 

He is appreciative of sound business management practices he has learned, which have enabled him to diversify his business. 

With an initial monthly turnover of about K1,500, Makozo’s salon and barber business is now able to make a profit of over K6000 with a gross of about K7000. 

He proudly stated that currently, the business employs himself and his wife as partners. Makozo has continued following the training sessions on radio as it is beneficial to follow training on radio because of time saved while continuing to do his work. 

He has urged Kansanshi Mining Plc to continue with the good work to benefit more people. 

“My message to KMP is a word of thanks for imparting knowledge through the training which has greatly empowered me with knowledge from the training which has greatly impacted my business,” Makozo stated.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Solwezi Cellphone Repair Business Takes Off

By Derrick Silimina

Francisco Mwansa, 35, is one of the upcoming mobile phone repair names in North-Western Province.

Situated in the Kandundu car park area of Solwezi District, Mwansa’s phone repairing business caters for all brands. 

“I started my mobile phone repair business in 2016 with K1,000 after being motivated by experience I acquired after working for three years at COMESA in Solwezi. The business was doing well then, despite increasing competition,” Mwansa said. 

Despite not having been to any formal school of electronics, Mwansa explained that he learned the art from other phone experts from the community. Given an opportunity, he intends to study computer software engineering to expand his market In the IT industry. 

“My business is now worth over K5,000. Some accessories bring in business worth about K1,000. I intend to expand my business and employ other youths once I open a phone accessories shop and branches in Kalumbila and Manyama areas,” Mwansa hinted. 

With burning zeal to nurture his talent in the cell phone repairing business, Mwansa started attending the Kansanshi Mining Plc-sponsored business development training from 2018 to 2022.

He testified that the training had helped him in good customer care and record-keeping. 

“I now understand how to use a records book to indicate sales, daily expenditure and profits. My weekly profits are about K700 every week and I am currently in the process of registering a cooperative with 10 other members,” Mwansa said. 

He expressed glowing tribute to the KMP for the business training which has enabled the less privileged to acquire skills. 

The visiting mentorship team from Fortune World Investment, facilitators of the business training programme, encouraged Mwansa to save for further investment.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Mobile Money Rains on Solwezi

By Derrick Silimina

According to the Bank of Zambia, the number of mobile money users on the country’s network platforms grew from 4.85 million in 2019 to 8.6 million plus in 2020. That represents a year-on-year increase of 77 percent.

At the same time, and not coincidentally, more and more people in Solwezi District of North-Western Province are gaining access to financial services in general, whether provided by a mobile money booth, online platform or a physical bank. 

In Solwezi’s Kandemba area, Agness Kaumba owns a mobile money booth which provides financial services that include the receiving and sending of money, buying electricity units, paying bills like GOTV, DSTV and selling talk time.

“I started my business in December 2021 after I invested a minimal amount of K1000 where sending and withdrawing services were being provided via MTN only,” Kaumba said. 

She described the business as ‘very good’ because it is not labour intensive but requires good interaction customers.

 Kaumba stated that her business is now worth K5000, all in a period of five months. After realizing the need to sharpen her business acumen, Kaumba started attending the Kansanshi Mining Plc-sponsored business development training in October, 2021. 

“The training helped me to identify the business opportunity and a busy location where to target a lot of customers. Financial discipline is another virtue I learned and utilized in my business, hence my being able to grow my capital from K1000 to K5000 within a short period of five months,” she stated. 

With average sales of K100 per day, Kaumba is optimistic as the mobile money business is lucrative, especially during the first and second week of every month. 

Kaumba now intends to open three or four outlets, with one outlet planned for the town centre and another at the Kimiteto area starting January 2023. 

She also looks forward to diversifying into buying and selling timber as research indicates that the business is quite lucrative as well. 

“From my mobile money business, I have developed my plot in the Kimiteto area and bought another plot in Mulemba Villa Park worth K4,500,” she said. 

The visiting mentorship team from Fortune World Investment Limited urged Kaumba to improve her record-keeping habit if she is to track her income and expenditure done per day with ease.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Kalumbila Minerals becomes FQM Trident

By Derrick Silimina

Kalumbila Minerals Ltd will now operate as FQM Trident Ltd, catering for all projects and programmes while enabling clarity in the FQM group.

Management at Kalumbila Minerals Ltd has proposed to revise its trading name to FQM Trident Limited, a name that incorporates its true identity as a First Quantum Minerals owned company. 

According to an internal memorandum issued to all staff and contractors by KML General Manager Sean Egner, the renaming process is expected to be completed during the first quarter of 2022. 

“As we intend to seek board approval and bring the enterprise project into operation, management has considered the above and decided to revise our trading name to “FQM Trident Limited,” a name that incorporates our true identity as a First Quantum Minerals owned company and is inclusive of all the trident project operations,” Egner said. 

FQM Trident Ltd will remain a fully-owned subsidiary of First Quantum Minerals Ltd as there is no ownership or control structure change. 

“You will therefore see a few changes in our branding to reflect this name change. Please note; there will be no changes to conditions of employment or any effect to the day-to-day operations at Sentinel and Enterprise Mines. Please let us all welcome and embrace this new identity that continues to confirm our association to both FQM and our Trident Project operations,” he assured. 

Egner disclosed that since inception, the mining operations and project has incorporated three mining licences, namely Sentinel, Enterprise and Intrepid which collectively make up “The Trident Project”. 

He further highlighted that the setting up of FQM Trident Mine, formerly known as KML, has created new opportunities for economic growth in Kalumbila District of North-Western Province and beyond. 

He said the influx of migrant employees and subsequent increase in population have created a demand for new projects, business activities and infrastructure which has ultimately improved the quality of life for the rural community. 

Egner stated that with the existing resourceful environment, businesses have since tapped into the multiplier effects that have been brought about as a result of increased cash flow and skills development after the setting up of FQM Trident Mine and one such business is Nvumabaranda Group of Companies. 

“We fully understand that our operation presents a significant conducive socio-economic environment that extends from local to regional scale. The opening of this private hospital symbolises the growth of our town, which has been developed in an environmentally conscious manner fostering green initiatives and responsible environmental management,” Egner said. 

Recently, during the official opening of Nvumabaranda Hospital in Kalumbila District, FQM Trident Mine General Manager said when FQM embarked on the audacious vision to establish a green mine and town in the little known part of Zambia, there were many doubts about how the company would develop a town with amenities such as schools, markets and clinics. 

Egner has since commended Nvumabaranda Group of Companies for building a hospital and setting up various businesses in Kalumbila and has urged other small and medium enterprises to seize the available opportunities and work with other stakeholders to grow into viable business houses. 

He stressed that with support from Government line ministries and through collaboration with the community, FQM Trident Mine through Trident Foundation Limited (TFL), has undertaken various initiatives to promote sustainable development that meets the locally defined social, environmental, and economic goals over the long term. 

“The company has invested heavily in education, infrastructure, wildlife, farming and health in order to promote and uplift the living standards of the local people. While some local people are employed to work on the mine; FQM is committed to reduce dependence on the mine alone and has been promoting local business development to enable community members to have sustainable livelihoods at the end of the mining life.” 

And Nvumabaranda Group of Companies Chief Executive Officer Kennedy Nduna has appreciated FQM Trident Ltd for creating an enabling environment for other businesses to thrive in Kalumbila District. 

Nduna intimated that he has received tremendous support from the mine which has made it possible for him to expand his business in hospitality, cleaning services, catering, conference facilities and health service provision. 

He has since called on more businesses to emulate his efforts and contribute to the economic development of Kalumbila District.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

EU Fisheries Project uplifts Seven Districts


By Derrick Silimina

Seven districts are upgrading the fishing sector following the entry of the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) and cooperating partners to strengthen the industry.

T he ZDA in partnership with ActionAid Zambia, the Department of Fisheries, the ECOFISH Programme, the European Union (EU) and other cooperating partners, is implementing the Zambia Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries Project (ZSSSFP) in seven districts including Kafue and Luangwa districts. 

The team is training cooperatives in the fish value chain to equip them with requisite information, skills and resources to run fishing projects as viable and profitable businesses. In the process the team is also creating a platform for cooperatives to gain relevant information and access technical support. 

Traditional leaders in Luangwa district of Lusaka Province have welcomed the ongoing development initiatives in their area.

In a joint statement, Senior Chief Mburuma of the Nsenga-Luzi people and Chief Mphuka of the Chikunda people, have welcomed the activities conducted by ActionAid Zambia and the ZDA in their chiefdoms. 

Speaking after attending one of the business and entrepreneurship training sessions held by AAZ and the ZDA on how to run fishing as a viable and profitable business venture, Chief Mphuka expressed gratitude for the support rendered to the cooperatives and encouraged his people to be committed if they were to see the desired results. 

“We have been crying for development and jobs in our communities and this is one way in which our cries have been answered. Let us embrace the people that are helping to bring development to our communities, utilize the resources and knowledge prudently and show commitment,” said Chief Mphuka.

The traditional leader urged the cooperatives to jealously guard the knowledge and resources given to them as resources were scarce. 

The chief said cooperatives were a sure way of creating jobs for the youth and women, thereby improving the standard of life in the communities. 

He stressed the need for continued dialogue between traditional leaders and stakeholders for the success of the projects. 

He further urged the Kakaro community that received a scale and a booster pump after the training not to abuse the equipment but use it for the intended purpose.

“Time and again, I will be passing through to monitor the use of this equipment and to see how you are implementing the knowledge you have learnt from the training,” added Chief Mphuka. 

And Senior Chief Mburuma saluted ActionAid Zambia, Government and the cooperating partners for considering Luangwa District for their interventions in the fishing industry value chain. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Lusaka Telecoms Firm Spreads E-commerce across Africa


By Derrick Silimina

Lusaka Telecom Solutions (LTS) has invested more than US$12 million in fibre optic and information communication technology (ICT) services in the last seven years and has spread to various countries in Africa.

The company runs three business lines namely fibre optic solutions, microwave, ICT, wireless solutions, infrastructure and power solutions, and operates in Botswana, Malawi, Uganda, Mauritius, Namibia, Tunisia, Egypt, Mozambique, Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo with Zambia being the headquarters. 

This emerged when ZDA Acting Director-General Albert Halwampa led senior management on a tour of the LTS to appreciate their operations. 

He said opportunities were vast for e-commerce in the country especially in the wake of Covid 19 pandemic which had disrupted supply chains worldwide. 

Halwampa stated that all that is needed is a reliable online platform to connect buyers and sellers. 

“The Agency is looking for an investor that can invest in e-commerce infrastructure to make sure that exporters keep interacting with importers in other countries to clinch as well as seal export deals,” he said. 

Halwampa was elated upon learning that LTS had started reaping fruits from the ZDA Congo Trade Mission in Lubumbashi in October 2021 and the Intra-Africa Trade Fair in Durban South Africa in which the ZDA facilitated participation for the various private sector players. 

The LTS has since commenced business into the DRC as a result of participating in the ZDA Trade Mission. 

LTS Business Development Manager Mohamed Abd El-razek disclosed that a total of K14 million had been spent to date on providing forward and backward linkages to large and small businesses. 

The company is at the moment working with about 30 local subcontractors among them MSMEs on their various projects across the country.

He highlighted that in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, telecommunication services have become important for people to continue transacting and running their day to business.

“Currently, we have more than 200 employees and plan to increase to 900 by March and by the end of this year we expect to have over 1,000 employees,” El-razek said.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

ILO, SIDA Back Up Renewable Energy Drive

By Derrick Silimina

At first glance, Zambia’s generation of hydropower, clean energy, seems normal as the country benefits from the water flows of the mighty Zambezi and Kafue Rivers.

However, droughts in recent years have caused electricity shortages estimated at nearly one-third of Zambia’s total installed hydroelectric capacity of 2,380 megawatts. 

In 2019, water levels in the Kariba Dam plummeted to their lowest level since 1996, falling to 10 percent of usable storage. Some observers described this as the worst drought that has ever hit the southern African country since independence in 1964. 

For this reason, the International Labor Organization (ILO), with funding by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), and in close collaboration with Kafue Gorge Regional Training Center (KGRTC), has embarked on upskilling more Zambians with competencies to tap into technologies in renewable energy, energy efficiency and renewable energy integration. 

UNESCO Chair in Renewable Energy and Environment Professor Prem Jain says climate change is a genuine man made problem. 

“Climate change has significant adverse impacts on all sectors of the economy and African nations are likely to suffer more from impacts of climate change. We need to urgently respond to the threat of climate change,” Professor Jain said. 

He was speaking during the Skills for Energy in Southern Africa (SESA) media training programme dubbed Reporting on Energy held at KGRTC from March 30 to April 1 in Namalundu area of Chikankata District.



In this context, energy experts believe that diversifying and expanding the country’s energy mix enables the creation of jobs and the development of small and medium enterprises both locally and in the region. 

Professor Jain, a renowned lecturer at the University of Zambia Physics Department, noted that fossil fuels such as coal, petrol, diesel and gas are drivers of modern industrialization but are culprits of climate change. 

According to energy statistics, chronic under-investment in hydro projects has also caused problems such that even when enough rain falls, power supply cannot keep up with demand from the mining, manufacturing and agriculture industries. 

In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Seven, which aims to ensure “access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all,” the Southern African Development Community (SADC) key priority is to ensure energy access and security for all populations and businesses in the region. 

Despite being one of the suppliers of hydroelectricity in the SADC region, Zambia’s population is still grappling with access to efficient and affordable energy supply. 

Only 37 percent of people in urban areas have access to energy while four per cent of people in the rural areas are connected to the national grid, according to the Ministry of Energy statistics.


“We need to harness all the energy sources that we have, especially renewable energy sources because energy is the driver of economic activity in the country, whether industrial or agriculture among others,” Ministry of Energy Principle Energy Officer Brian Mainza told journalists during the training. 

Sustainable energy was essential, especially looking at the SDG7 goal where by 2030 everyone should have universal access to clean and affordable energy. 

“We need as Zambia to embark on harnessing the other energy resources that we have such as solar, wind, and biomass because we have also seen that in the past, the concentration has been on hydropower generation,” he stated. 

According to the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the country draws 85 percent of its power from hydro projects. 

Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre Consultant for Research and Training Martin Hamanyanga disclosed that the institution has received funds from the Swedish Government for the development of a 10 megawatt mini hydropower project on the Kafue River. 

Recently, the Government initiated a 200 MW wind-power project in Katete, Eastern Province. This is the first phase of the larger Unika 1 wind project, which is to be financed by private investors. 


Zambia also signed an agreement with the World Banks’ International Finance Corporation (IFC) to develop two large scale solar projects. 

A competitive auction through the IFC’s Scaling Solar programme attracted bids from competing solar developers. 

In terms of energy efficiency rating, the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) is thrilled that Zambia is one of the few countries in the region that has significantly achieved energy efficiency through the introduction of energy-saving lighting measures. 

“Zambia has cut down on energy wastage resulting in savings for both individuals at household level and the heavy power consumers such as mines and industries,” SACREEE Lead Renewable Energy Expert Readlay Makaliki said on the sidelines of the workshop.