Thursday, August 11, 2022

Unlocking the Enterprise Nickel Project…

By Derrick Silimina

President Hakainde Hichilema has called for a mindset change among Zambians who should consider themselves owners of the $250m Enterprise Nickel Project which will create an initial 700 jobs.

Speaking during the ground-breaking ceremony of First Quantum Minerals’ Enterprise Nickel Project in Kalumbila District, President Hichilema said the increased revenue from the project would enhance Government support to education, healthcare, Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and social protection. 

“We thank First Quantum, we thank the community of Kalumbila deeply, especially those that God placed around here and have been looking after this mine for centuries, making it available to be exploited and developed in this manner. I would like us Zambians to change our mindsets that the project like this does not only belong to FQM, it belongs to the people of Kalumbila, it belongs to this province, it also belongs to Zambia and Africa as well as to the rest of the world because from here, there are customers waiting for nickel coming out from these pits and that nickel will create more jobs,” Hichilema said. 

Zambia’s newest mine in North-Western Province would both create jobs and impact the lives of tens of thousands of local people, help to diversify Zambia’s mining activities, and turn the country into Africa’s leading nickel producer.


Hichilema disclosed that the Enterprise outfit would create an environment conducive for both local and international investors and create opportunities for local businesses. 

“This project was hanging on together with the Kansanshi expansion for over twelve years. I can reveal that we used to chat with these colleagues when I would sneak out of the country to Johannesburg and will find this gentleman there (pointing at FQM CEO Tristan Pascal) and he would complain. But I said there is not so much I can do to help. I will make noise but if this issue is not resolved after the 12th of August 2021, count it delivered thereafter. Here we are today and we have unlocked this project for the greater good,” Hichilema revealed.

The President emphasised that as the world moved further towards electric vehicles, Zambian nickel would be at the core of this new industry, adding that the investment would fuel the economy of the future. 


The country was therefore well-placed to play a critical role towards the transitioning of energy from fossil fuels in a bid to reduce carbon emissions damaging the climate. 

“Our vision of Zambia plays a credible part towards the transition of energy from fossil fuels that are damaging our climate to green energy that will reduce carbon emissions. Therefore, transitioning from fossil fuels to drive our cars, to electric vehicles and nickel, is part of the package of minerals (copper, cobalt, nickel, manganese, lithium). We are fortunate as a country to host a fair share of these minerals, but if they stay in the ground and if we don’t unlock projects like this, we won’t be able to play our part in keeping our world cleaner and reducing the environmental damage.” 

The head of state urged the mining giant to create a long-lasting relationship with the community if the investment was to thrive and benefit all stakeholders.

“There is a need to create a Community Development Trust (CDT) to raise income to the community so that we can see benefits flowing from this asset up to even the children that are yet to be born, and that is creating lasting value,” he added. 

Speaking at the same event, Mines and Minerals Development Minister Paul Kabuswe commended FQM for having taken advantage of the economic climate created by the New Dawn Government and investing into the nickel mining project. 

Kabuswe highlighted the nickel project as a testament of the UPND leadership goal to revitalise the mining sector and the economic fortunes of the country. 

“Your Excellency, from the time you took over the reins of power, there is one statement that you have always talked about—‘Minister, we have to unlock the economy, Cabinet we need to unlock the economy.’ “You have unlocked the country through CDF which was a very difficult undertaking in the previous regime. Not only have you unlocked it but increased it by I don’t know how many percent points to K25.7 million per constituency every year. You have also unlocked the jobs sector through the recent employment of more than 30,000 teachers and the yet-to-be-unlocked 11,000 plus jobs in the health sector among others, and that is prudent leadership,” Kabuswe said. 


FQM Chief Executive Officer Tristan Pascal said the mining entity’s contribution to Zambia’s socio-economic development through its Kansanshi mine in Solwezi and FQM Trident in Kalumbila had over the years laid a firm foundation on which to build the Enterprise nickel mine. 

“Our building in-house technical capacities in our people, delivering project executions and providing on-going contributions to the communities and to the nation have provided a firm foundation on which to build the Enterprise Nickel Mine. We are therefore confident that this project will be a success story for Zambia as a whole.” 

In attendance during the historic ground-breaking ceremony were Senior Chiefs Sailunga, Mukumbi and Chiefs Dr Mumena, Ntambo, Chieftainess Chikola and Kakoma from Kalumbila District. Also present were North-Western Province Minister Robert Lihefu, Lands Minister Elijah Muchima and his Labour counterpart Brenda Tambatamba, senior Government officials and mine suppliers among others.

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