Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Chinese Cement Company Builds a Solid Foundation in Zambia

China’s growing economic muscle in Africa frequently raises fears of domination. However, on the ground, these companies often create jobs and try to comply with laws aimed at strengthening local stakeholdership. A case in point is the Sinoma Cement Company, a Chinese company set up in Zambia in 2015. China-Zambia relations date back to 1964, but local political leaders have frequently criticized the Asian giant’s influence in the country. With $500 Million worth of Chinese investment, Sinoma Cement Company produces cement, pan bricks and other materials for export and domestic use. Its output includes 60,000 bags (about 3,300 tons) of cement per day.
Sinoma public relations manager Wang Weiqi says his company aspires to pursue localization (also known as Zambianization) policies in order to help develop the country.
“Sometimes back when we established our investment here in Zambia, we were told that Zambianization first! For us, that is not just the policy of Zambia but it is also the development strategy of our company because just like the old adage goes; ‘When you are in Rome do what Romans Do’ – also when you are in Lusaka, do what Lusaka people do,” he said in an interview. Wang further stated that beyond training about 50 local workers on how to use advanced equipment, his firm also embraces corporate social responsibility (CSR) as key to enhancing socio-economic development in the community within which the cement plant operates.
“Before the official opening of the cement plant in Chongwe district – Chifwema area, we have done the resettlement of the local people together with the local leadership. We have also constructed Nachitete Hospital and Nachitete Primary School all based in the rural parts of Chongwe district. In 2017, we also funded some local foundations on HIV/AIDS medical service in the area as well as dug some boreholes for the local community in order to improve their water reticulation,” he said.
Sinoma Cement Company Public relations manager Wang Weiqi (R) with Lusaka City Mayor Miles Sampa during a familiarization tour of the cement factory.
Wang stated that since road connectivity is critical to national development, his company has also contracted the Road Development Agency in order to build the 10 Km Chifwema road in order to ease the transportation of goods and services in the area.
Asked how the company will sustain the transfer of technology and skills development to the local community, Wang emphasized that Sinoma’s uniqueness:
“For Sinoma, we are different from other Chinese companies who have invested here in Zambia. We are doing manufacturing and we’ll be here not for 2 – 3 years, we’ll be in Zambia for 20 years, 30 years and we are also learning from other international companies and competitors. For us, the only strategy is to train them and make them learn as fast as possible because it is also very costly for us to only have Chinese colleagues in production working as engineers and technicians. It’s very important for us to transfer technology to our local colleagues,” Wang stated.
In a bid to cement China and Zambia’s bilateral relations, Wang urged Zambians to have a positive image of the Chinese investors and their investments if real economic development is to be realized:
“Especially for us who are doing manufacturing, now we know that, and understand how important it is for the locals to accept us and to have a good image of us so that we can find it easy to have a cordial working relationship,” he said.
Lusaka Mayor, Miles Sampa, recently praised the progress made by Sinoma Cement Company of Lusaka.
 “I am really impressed with the amount of development this company has attained since its launch in 2015,” The Mayor said this when he recently toured the cement plant in Lusaka.
Patson Phiri 34, a machine operator said he has benefited a lot from the cement company’s wide range of in-house training programs. These include courses on-site equipment operation, repairs, and servicing.
Patson, who operates one of the heavy-duty machines at the cement plant is optimistic that the Chinese firm is likely to create more jobs to Zambian youths when it reaches it full production goal of 75,000 bags of cement per day.
“I am certain that more direct and indirect jobs will be created which will grow the company even bigger and employ more of our youths,” he remarked.
Derrick Silimina is an award-winning freelance journalist based in Lusaka who writes regularly on Zambian agricultural, sustainability and China-Africa relations. He can be reached by email at

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